As we prepare ourselves to ask why is this seder different from all other seders, here are some resources to help ensure that this year’s celebration is as successful and meaningful as possible.
#StayAtHome Passover
PJ Library, in partnership with our local synagogues and the JCC, is helping young families prepare for Passover by providing daily tips about how to get ready for this special holiday. They are offering daily ideas about easy crafts projects, favourite books to read as a family, and other fun Passover-themed learning tools, all geared towards creating a meaningful Passover experience. They’ll also be sharing daily videos from local Jewish leaders talking about what they love most about Passover. To learn more, click here.
PJ Library “I’m Bored” Passover Challenge
PJ Library has also created the “I’m Bored” Passover Challenge. All kids aged 11 and under (no need to be a PJ Library book recipient) are invited to create something for their family seder using materials that can be found around the house. All entrants have a chance to win a $100 KidsBooks gift card, and there are also fun prizes for the winners of each of the four age-group categories. Click here for more information.
Kosher for Passover Food and Meals
Several local restaurants, caterers, and stores are offering a variety of Kosher for Passover food and meals available for pickup and delivery. Local synagogues have organized volunteers and online options to ensure that you can get the Passover provisions that you need. Check out our Passover Food and Meals page to learn more.
Make Your Seder a Success
Hosting a seder is a big task no matter what, but this year, many of us may not be able to rely on what has worked in the past. Whether you’ll be preparing a traditional seder alone for the first time, joining an online seder through Zoom, or trying something else entirely, there are lots of resources available to help you find what you need. Check your synagogue's website for more information.
Chag Pesach sameach from all of us at Jewish Federation!