Shabbat Message from Ezra S. Shanken

Updates on Ukraine and Mental Health

Shabbat Message from CEO Ezra S. Shanken


August 26, 2022 | 29 Av 5782



This message has about 729 words and will take less than 3 minute to read.

My family and I are preparing for Shabbat a little earlier than you probably are this week and next. Rachel and I have brought the boys back east to visit family who we haven’t seen since before the pandemic began, so we are a few hours ahead. It’s been great to reconnect in person and to see the boys have so much fun with their cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.

Being together in person is something I’m looking forward to at Opening Night, too, and we have some news for you on that topic.

We are ready to announce the members of our panel of mental health experts who will participate in the event.

Alisa Farina is our child, youth, and young adult mental health worker who recently started with us after 29 years with the Burnaby School District. Alisa provides direct support and further engages our community with youth mental health.

Dr. Sandy Penn Whitehouse, a pediatrician and clinical associate professor at UBC and medical director at BC Children’s Hospital, is also a member of our Child and Youth Mental Health Committee. She will moderate the panel.

Danya Rogan is a social worker who specializes in mood disorders.

Dr. Annie Simpson is a clinical psychologist whose practice focuses on anxiety disorders affecting young children.

They will be joined by a representative from Jewish Family Services.

There is no conversation more important than the one we will be having about mental health, so I hope you will be joining us for the Annual Campaign Opening on September 8th.

Ukraine marked its independence day this week, as well as the six-month anniversary of the Russian invasion.

I want to share some notable figures of the Federation system's impact:

  • 1,212 tons of medical equipment, clothing, food and hygiene products have been distributed
  • 239,851 people have been fed
  • 80,817 people have been evacuated away from danger zones
  • 399,902 calls for assistance have been received via special hotlines
  • 32,325 new immigrants have arrived in Israel from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus


The estimated 200,000 Jews living in Ukraine have been profoundly affected by the political and economic instability that has wracked the country. Thousands are trapped in conflict zones in the east. Thousands more have fled the fighting. Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) has allocated over $40 million USD to our partner agencies on the ground, including the Jewish Agency, the Joint Distribution Committee, World ORT, and dozens of others—and our work continues.

As much as this is impressive and something to be incredibly proud of, there is so much more work still to be done. In June, JFNA estimated that the total needs for the Ukraine efforts will amount to $99 million USD in 2022 alone. Our Ukraine Relief Fund remains open, so you can continue to support this important work.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has significantly impacted Russia’s Jewish community too.

The Federation system is keeping this large and important Jewish community at the forefront of our thoughts and efforts. You are invited to a special briefing to hear from experts about the current geopolitical situation and the status of Russia’s Jewish community. Click here to register.

On a final note, Shelley Rivkin, our VP of global and local engagement, represented our Federation with our honourary patron, The Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, at the reception where Leamore Cohen of the JCC’s Inclusion Services programs received the Lieutenant Governor’s Arts and Music Award. It was also a great opportunity to get together with some of our friends, including Queenie Choo of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. and Tariq Tyab of Islam Unraveled, who is also part of The Other People—the interfaith group spearheaded by Rabbi Bregman. We are loving these opportunities to gather again in person!


Shabbat shalom.

Ezra S. Shanken
CEO, Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver