The Real Peace Now Campaign



Research shows that many non-Jewish British Columbians lean toward supporting Israel and the Jewish community in this moment, but they haven’t yet taken any concrete steps to do so. The Real Peace Now campaign encourages them become stronger supporters.


The same research shows the messages they are most likely to respond to, and that they are most likely to increase their support through conversations with friends and family.


That’s where you come in.



The Real Peace Now website has graphics, messaging and myths/facts that you can share with your non-Jewish friends—and that they can share, too.


If there is one thing that we should all be able to agree on, it’s that everyone deserves a just and lasting peace.


That said, there are many people who have their own deeply entrenched views. This campaign is not focused on them. Why not? Because it is highly unlikely that any campaign will change their minds. So, let’s focus on the people who want to hear from us.


Visit and start the conversation with your friends.