Responding to Community Needs - The Local Allocations Process

Thanks to your generous gifts to the Annual Campaign, Jewish Federation is able to fund critical programs and services that touch the lives of thousands of our community.

The planning and allocations process is a two-year cycle, during which we determine priorities and allocate campaign funds to programs and services offered through our partner agencies.

Planning and Allocations - Year 1

1. Identifying Needs & Developing Responses

In collaboration with our partner agencies, the Planning Council identifies unmet community needs and recommends effective responses. This process ensures that programs and services fit the organization’s mandate and do not duplicate existing programs. Where possible, agencies form partnerships to expand the scope of a program, or to provide services in one or more of our regional communities.

2. Ranking Applications & Ensuring Accountability
The Allocations Planning Committee (APC) reviews and ranks applications based on a range of criteria including links to community priorities, program goals and partnership opportunities. Jewish Federation ensures agency accountability by requiring agencies to evaluate their programs and share their results.

Planning and Allocations - Year 2
Based on the results of that year’s Federation Annual Campaign, the Allocations Committee reviews the program requests and informs the partner agencies whether their funding will remain status quo or increase. If gifts to the Annual Campaign increase, more funding can be distributed, as was the case in 2011 when donations increased by 6%, and, collectively, agency allocations increased by the same percentage.

Example: Meetings the Needs of Seniors
In 2009, Jewish Federation held a think-tank and determined we needed to learn more about the support frail Jewish seniors need in order to age in place with dignity.

In response, we conducted a research project to identify gaps in programs and services for Jewish seniors, and to highlight innovative program models and initiatives that could meet these needs.

We compiled the results in a report that provided recommendations for seniors’ services, formed the basis for the development of new programs, and also informed the allocations process. Now, appropriate funding will ensure these programs and services reach the community members who need them.

Learn more about how we respond to needs in Israel and across Canada.