Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Rosh HaShanah box?
The Rosh HaShanah Box is a community initiative to give families the tools to celebrate Rosh HaShanah at home with their children in a meaningful and creative way.
What ages is the Rosh HaShanah box best suited for?
The contents of the box are best suited for kids aged 8 and under.
What comes in the box?
Your box will contain games, arts and crafts projects, a non-perishable food item and ideas for how to enhance your at home celebration.
Will there be materials for every child in the family?
Our boxes will contain items based on a family with two children, aged 10 and under. For families with more than two children, additional materials will be available to add to your box when you pick it up.
If the boxes are created for families with kids aged 8 and under why do the boxes contain materials for families with kids aged 10 or younger?
The pedagogic materials in the box are for younger kids but we did not want older siblings to be completely left out so we have included duplicates of certain projects for them.
How do I get my box?
Boxes will be available for pickup starting around September 7th. Families affiliated with a synagogue will be able to pick them up from their synagogue; families affiliated with PJ library will pick up from the JCC; and families affiliated with Connect Me In or living in the Tri-cities, Langley and South Surrey, will pick up from a TBD location. More information about pickup will be available later in the summer.
What if I don’t belong to a synagogue or live in Vancouver, Richmond, or any of the other locations mentioned above?
Please contact Lissa Weinberger, to receive your box.
Have more questions? Please feel free to email Lissa Weinberger,