Our Monthly Newsletter - eYachad

Bringing Jewish Communities to Life in Far-East Russia

The impact of our work spans the full breadth of our local community – and the Jewish world. We are the closest federated community to Jewish communities in the eastern most part of Russia, adjacent to Siberia. Our Jewish Federation plays a very active role in supporting this region. Like …

Planning Ahead for Jewish Seniors

The most significant demographic shift in our society since WWII is underway. In 2031, the youngest of the Baby Boomer generation will turn 65. From today onward, our population will age at an accelerating rate, bringing complex changes with it. Is our community prepared to face these change…

Tikva to Manage New Affordable Rental Units

We are very pleased to share that our partner, Tikva Housing, was recently selected by the City of Vancouver to manage 37 new affordable rental units in partnership with YWCA Metro Vancouver and the Association of Neighbourhood Houses of British Columbia. It is a testament to the trust and r…

Engaging Young Adults Through Israel Experiences

Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver is committed to supporting a broad range of social, cultural, educational and philanthropic initiatives to engage young adults and nurture their interest in and commitment to Jewish communal life. Currently, we provide funding to send more than 200 you…

Complete a Short Survey on Priorities for our Ageing Population

Our community’s ageing population is growing. That’s why Jewish Federation made it one of our 2020 Strategic Priorities. In 2018, we and six partner agencies hosted the first forum on ageing, Changing Landscapes, which focused on ageing in place, caregiver support and social connections.…