On Sunday, January 5, 2020, hundreds of people in Vancouver gathered at the Jack Poole Plaza to stand together with the people of New York against fear and hatred. We took a group photo that was shared with organizers of the Solidarity March, which was taking place in New York at the exact same time. We have since heard back from many of them. They have seen us, and they know that they aren’t alone.
We know many members of our community, our friends and our neighbours would have loved to participate in the Solidarity March, but were not able to. That’s why we created our own way to show that we stand shoulder to shoulder with everyone affected, and with the communities of New York and New Jersey.
The outpouring of support from individuals and organizations was incredible. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the photo and showed that our actions matter. Special thanks to our young adult program, Axis; our regional communities outreach initiative, Connect Me In; our advocacy agent, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs; the Jewish Community Centre; Hillel, Congregations Beth Israel, Har El, Or Shalom, Schara Tzedeck and Temple Sholom; Chabad East Van; the Bayit; and the many other people who attended and helped spread the word.
In the wake of the anti-Semitic attacks before and during Hanukkah that precipitated the Solidarity March, Rabbi Jonathan Infeld of Congregation Beth Israel wrote this OpEd, which was published in the Vancouver Sun. We encourage you to read his powerful message.