The impact of our work spans the full breadth of our local community – and the Jewish world. We are the closest federated community to Jewish communities in the eastern most part of Russia, adjacent to Siberia. Our Jewish Federation plays a very active role in supporting this region. Like British Columbia, the region's geography encompasses vast distances, remote locations and frigid winter temperatures.
To reach Jews living in these remote locations, we partner with the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), a global organization that addresses critical rescue and relief needs in more than 60 countries, including in the former Soviet Union.
Providing a Lifeline for Frail, Elderly Jews
Jewish Federation provides a lifeline to more than 165,000 elderly Jews in the former Soviet Union through our trusted partner in addressing critical rescue and relief needs, the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC). Many of them are Holocaust survivors. They have no safety net and no ability to obtain basic necessities – their meagre pensions do not even begin to cover what they need to survive.
Through the JDC we provide food packages and groceries, medicine, fuel to heat their homes, homecare visits, and winter relief through more than 160 Hesed welfare centres in the region. In addition to services for the elderly, critical nutritional, medical and other assistance is provided to 27,000 Jewish children and their families
Metsuda – Strengthening Jewish Life in Europe
Jewish Federation’s ongoing support of Metsuda is helping to inspire active participation throughout Jewish communities in the Urals and Volga region in Russia by creating dynamic networks of young leaders. Through their participation in Metsuda and the follow-up alumni activities, young Jewish leaders learn valuable skills, engage in social networking, and strengthen their own Jewish identity. At the same time, they increase overall participation in Jewish life by offering projects that address a community interest or need. Engaging young Jewish leaders and providing them with support to develop community-driven projects, skilled and informed leadership, and capacity building will help sustain Jewish life in this region for years to come.