Important Community Updates



Update: May 31, 2024


Here are links to statements and more. For our original message to the community, please scroll down.


  • City of Vancouver - Official Statement from Mayor Ken Sim on the Horrendous Arson at Schara Tzedeck Synagogue. Read it here.
  • Vancouver Police Department - News Release: VPD investigates arson at Jewish Synagogue. Read it here.
  • The Jewish Medical Association of BC - Statement. Read it here.
  • Rabbinical Association of Vancouver (RAV) - Statement. Read it here.

May 30, 2024


Correction: Our original statement noted that the fire was caused by an incendiary device. It has been confirmed that it was caused by an individual who poured fuel on the front doors and set them on fire 


At approximately 9:30 p.m. this evening, an incendiary device was thrown at the front doors of Schara Tzedeck synagogue on Oak Street. Thankfully, no one was injured and damage to the building was minor. We extend our steadfast support to the families and staff of Congregation Schara Tzedeck.  


Antisemitic rhetoric has reached a feverish pitch in our city and region recently, and it has always been our concern that the next step would be violence. This deliberate act of hate was an attempt to intimidate our Jewish community. But we refuse to be intimidated or to hide. Our community is resilient, and we are proud to be an important part of the multicultural fabric of our city, our province and our country.  


The Vancouver Police Department (VPD) and the Fire Inspector conducted a thorough search of the building and declared the building safe to be reopened. The incident remains under investigation by VPD, and our director of community security will continue to work closely with them. We would like to extend our appreciation to the VPD and the Vancouver Fire Department for their immediate response and concern for public safety. 


The following extra precautions are in place:  

  • Police will increase patrols around local Jewish institutions.  

  • We are reaching out to all Jewish community organizations and advising them to remain vigilant and to follow their established security protocols. 

  • Jewish Federation’s Community Security Advisory Committee is staying on top of the situation and will update Jewish community organizations as needed.   


Community security has long been one of our strategic priorities, and we remain committed to working together to keep Jewish community institutions safe and welcoming places where you and your family can feel comfortable taking part in community activities. As more information becomes available, we will keep you up to date. 




Rabbi Rosenblatt  

Senior Rabbi  

Congregation Schara Tzedeck  


Jonathon Leipsic 


Congregation Schara Tzedeck 


Lana Marks Pulver   

Board Chair  

Jewish Federation  


Ezra S. Shanken  

Chief Executive Officer  

Jewish Federation  


Jason Murray   

Chair, Security Advisory Committee  

Jewish Federation