Israel Bonds Canada/ Canada Israel Securities


Ross Sadoff, Executive Director
P: 694-629-1744
P: 1-800-771-9301

Monday to Thursday 9:00am – 5:00pm EST

Friday 9am – 3pm EST

Israel Bonds are sold in Canada exclusively through Canada-Israel Securities, Limited (CISL). More popularly known as Israel Bonds, CISL is part of a worldwide network of broker-dealers that sell Israel bonds for the Israeli Ministry of Finance in the United States, Europe and Latin America.

Israel Bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the State of Israel, which has maintained a perfect record of repayment of interest and principal since the first Israel bond was issued.

From its launching in 1951 and continuing through the present day, Israel Bonds has played a unique role in Israel’s rapid progression from struggling agrarian nation to global economic powerhouse. Worldwide sales since the first Israel bonds were issued have surpassed $40 billion.

Since inception, Israel Bonds has built and maintained a reputation as one of the most direct ways to become direct stakeholders in the ever-evolving story of modern Israel.  And what a story! 

Despite so many challenges, the Israel narrative is one where Israeli innovation, courage, integrity, authenticity and excellence help make the world a healthier, cleaner and safer place.