
2 2017

Mantι, Börek, Baklava: Cooking Shabbat Dinner & Fresh Challah

5:00PM - 8:00PM  

The Jewish Museum and Archives of BC 6184 Ash Street
Vancouver, BC V5Z 3G9

Contact Michael Schwartz

$ Cost $ 40.00

The Jewish Museum and Archives of BC is pleased to partner with the Contemporary Art Gallery to present the first evening in our supper club series, The Chosen Food. Each event in this series will showcase a regional style of Jewish cusine.
Our guest host this evening is Vancouver-based artist Derya Akay, the CAG Burrard Marina Field House resident artist for spring 2017.
Expanding on recent projects, Akay is collaborating with women elders from a range of cultural backgrounds to explore and share local and diasporic culinary traditions through a series of workshops and meals. This convivial partaking of food is a gateway to oral history, which Akay understands as both storytelling and the sensations and memories summoned through communal eating.
Akay will prepare a dinner informed by the family recipes of Jewish community members Sara Ciacci, Leonor Etkin, Claire Hammer, and Debbie Kafka. Several of these women will be present to share the history, memory, and symbolism associated with the dishes served.

A full meal, including delicious fresh baked challah
Stories about the family history behind each dish
Great conversation
Recipes to try at home
All food is kosher-style, but not certified kosher

The Chosen Food Supper Club occurs over ten Sundays between April and September, 2017. It is part of the JMABC 2017 public programming series Feeding Community, celebrating the important role of food in maintaining Jewish tradition and history through generations of BC Jews. Other components of Feeding Community include the podcast The Kitchen Stories, and the four-part event series Nourishing Tradition, offered in collaboration with the Jewish Seniors Alliance. Further information about these and other JMABC programs can be found at the JMABC website, jewishmuseum.ca

The Field House Studio is an off-site artist residency space and community hub organized by CAG. This program moves beyond conventional exhibition making, echoing the founding origins of the gallery where artists were offered support toward the production of new work while reaching out to communities and offering new ways for individuals to encounter, participate and connect with art and artists.
The Field House Studio Residency Program is generously supported by Vancouver Park Board, the City of Vancouver, and the Vancouver Foundation, along with many private and individual donors. Please visit the CAG website for full information about this and other CAG programs at www.contemporaryartgallery.ca and the Field House blog at www.burrardmarinafieldhouse.blog

Sponsor: The Jewish Museum and Archives of BC