
10 2017

Britannia Sukkot Festival Feast

5:00PM - 8:00PM  

Marcy Babins 6184 Ash Street
Vancouver, BC V5Z3G9
6042575199 info@jewishmuseum.ca


The Jewish Museum and Archives of BC, Grandview Woodlands Food Connection, and Or Shalom are pleased to present the innaugural Britannia Sukkot Festival.

The Jewish Holiday of Sukkot celebrates the fall harvest and commemorates the exodus from Egypt. To celebrate, Jews gather in a “sukkah”, or temporary shelter, to dine with family and friends.

Join us for an intercultural feast to celebrate our appreciation for the harvest, community connections, and the Coast Salish land we call home.

Tickets by donation
Feauturing the debut of Eyepiece by FSOARK, the winner of the 2017 JMABC / GWFC Sukkah Design Competition.
Coast Salish Welcome and Blessing Ceremony by Senaqwila Wyss
Sukkot Blessings by Rabbi Hannah Dresner
Vegetarian Dinner by Tayybeh: A Celebration of Syrian Cuisine
The feast will be held in the šxʷqʷeləwən ct Carving Centre which is partially open to the outdoors. Please bring sweaters and dress warm.

Sponsor: Holborn, Susan Mendelson & Jack Lutsky, Bsibio, Britannia Community Centre, Sustenance Festival