Community Calendar

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If you have any questions or require changes to an event, please contact Betina Zuckermann Cynamon at

Jul 1, 2024
Canada Day

3 2024

Jewish Family Night!

5:00PM - 8:30PM  

Softball City
2201 148 St
Surrey, BC V4A 9P5


The Israeli Women's Softball Team is coming to Vancouver and the entire Jewish community is coming to support them! J…


5 2024



Join us for a Shabbat gathering at a Whistler Beach this Friday at 5:30 pm! Enjoy the beautiful weather and conne…


7 2024

Richmond Community Fun Day

4:00PM - 6:30PM  

London Farms
6511 Dyke Road
Richmond, BC


Food, Games and fun for the whole family-
Enjoy BBQ burgers and Hot Dogs, Bouncy Castle, Potato Sack races, Tug of wa…


11 2024

Teen Dragon Boat in Port Moody

3:30PM - 6:00PM  


Discover the thrill of Dragon Boat racing, enjoy community event for teens with
special guest speaker from CJPAC , pi…


11 2024

Kayak journey along False Creek

5:30PM - 7:30PM  


Join Axis, Hillel BC, and Masa Israel on July 11th at 5:30 p.m. for an exciting kayak journey along False Creek.



14 2024

Listening from the Heart: A Sharing Circle

10:00AM - 1:00PM  

Virtual over Zoom


Welcome to Listening from the Heart: A Sharing Circle, a three-hour workshop for Jewish people to explore both person…


14 2024

Pro-Israel Bridges March

11:00AM - 1:30PM  

Granville and Burrard bridges

Vancouver, BC


A peaceful march with flags, posters, and music in support of Israel, our hostages, soldiers, and all Zionists - Jewi…


21 2024


Return to Schechter this summer for a BBQ cookout as we celebrate 70 years of the magical place where Judaism and Joy…


28 2024

Bring Them Home Now

2:00PM - 4:00PM  

The Vancouver Art Gallery
750 Hornby St
Vancouver, V6Z 2H7


We invite the greater Vancouver community to come together and demand the safe return of all hostages who were brutal…


28 2024

Stanley Park OrSh Community Bike Ride

4:00PM - 6:00PM  

Meet at Ceperley Park Playground at 3:45pm


Join Rabbi Arik Labowitz for a delightful all-ages intergenerational bike ride around Stanley Park! Along the way, w…