Choices 2014

Sunday, November 2, 2014 | 5:00 p.m.
Beth Israel Synagogue | 989 West 28th Ave, Vancouver


Tickets $50 plus $136 minimum gift to the 2014 Federation Annual Campaign, Women's Philanthropy.
Includes dinner | Dietary laws observed

Purchase tickets online here or contact Eva Bach at or 604.257.5139. Click here to make your minimum $136 gift to the 2014 Federation Annual Campaign – Women’s Philanthropy.

Raffle Tickets
Check out the prizes here. The raffle and wine presales are closed.

About Alina Spaulding
The story of Alina Gerlovin Spaulding is a miracle in which we all share a part. The funds raised by Federations like ours, have allowed Alina and her family to be part of the American Jewish community. Alina immigrated to the United States in 1979 with the help of many Jewish agencies funded by our Federation dollars. Her parents tried to leave the Former Soviet Union for several years, but were granted permission only after the worldwide Jewish community applied pressure.

Alina is involved in humanitarian causes in the United States and overseas. She coordinated the Delet Camp program between Greensboro and Beltsy, Moldova for 5 years. She has also traveled to Minsk with Jewish Healthcare International on a mental health and Jewish education mission intended to build a more vibrant and healthy Jewish community in Belarus. Alina has been awarded a number of highly prestigious fellowships including; the Brandeis/ Bronfman Institute for Informal Jewish Education, the Covenant Fellowship program for Jewish Education, and the Day School Leadership Training Institute at Columbia University.

Choices Co-chairs: Lisa Pullan and Melanie Samuels
Women’s Philanthropy Chair: Judith Cohen